Brief overview of the “Pretty Little Coder” project! Each part of the process I took in building tis new community, documented and explained.
Read MoreThere are four quarters in a game of basketball. There are four distinct seasons. Companies evaluate their business performance on a quarterly basis. It even takes four quarters to make a dollar. What I'm getting at is that we tend to divide things into four, if we can. It makes sense. Take an academic year, for example. If you think of the year as a whole, things can be very overwhelming. However, when you break that down into quarters, things become a lot more manageable. The same applies to our own lives.
Read MoreHave you ever woken up one day and felt...unfulfilled? Like there was something missing from your life? You take stock of the things and people around you and can’t shake the feeling that something just isn’t quite right? For me, this happened just after my 25th birthday.I woke up and felt an emptiness. It was a strange feeling because I didn’t completely understand where it was coming from. My physical health (though not perfect) was at the healthiest it had been in four years. I had a few good friends that I could rely on. My family was supportive in every way that they could be. And my finances were on the mend thanks to a stable job. So what really was the problem?
Read MoreLike most twenty somethings, typical conversations since leaving school go as follows: “How are you? How have you been? What have you been up to?”. For some people, these are pretty straightforward questions. For me…not so much. Especially that last one. That’s not because I haven’t been “up to anything”, but rather, because I’ve gotten the opportunity to explore quite a few different jobs and interests. For some, switching jobs more than once in a short period of time is frowned upon. But I would argue, how will you ever know what you’re meant to do if you don’t get out and explore? In fact, my recent adventure in “job hopping” has helped me learn more about myself than I thought possible.
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