Thank You
When I started this challenge, I went back and forth on whether I wanted even to do it. As I said in my first post, I've never really considered myself a writer. So putting my writing up for public consumption was a little nerve wracking. Furthermore, I wasn't sure I would have the time to write for 30 days straight consistently. I work full-time, I study web development part-time and have a personal side project that I am currently trying to get off the ground. And if I was as going to do this, I wanted to be able to stick to it. Thankfully, I've been able to do just that. That's mainly in part to my support system.
You can accomplish anything on your own, that's true. But odds are, you likely had some type of help along the way. That's not to take any credit away from people and their accomplishments. However, it takes nothing away from what you've achieved when you acknowledge those who helped in some way. So this is me taking the time to say thank you to the people who have pushed me while doing this challenge and in the long run, helped me be a better professional and a better person.
First, I want to thank you. Yes, you. When you take the time out of your day to read this, it gives me the encouragement to continue. Knowing that even one person is reading these daily posts means a lot. Thank you. To everyone who may not have time to read the posts but shares them via social media or to their network through the link, you are truly appreciated. I don't personally have the reach, and yet because of those of you sharing, my blog has been read all the way over in China. I've never even been to China! That's so incredible. Again, thank you.
Finally, I have one more person who has truly been a part of this whole process. I'll call him T. T is the person that, without me even telling him, will periodically check this website and thus be the very first to know when I make a new post. Every day without fail, he's the first to read and give feedback on whatever I've written that day. On the day's I have been too tired with everything else to have any desire to write, T is there gently encouraging me just to get something written. In fact, he's singing on video chat while I type away. Despite the fact I know he could be working on his own projects, he's here trying to be the best form of support. I don't take that for granted. So, T, this is me letting the world know how truly amazing you are. There aren't enough thank you's in the world to show how much I appreciate you, but I'll start with this one: thank you.
There's something to be said for self-discipline. It takes discipline to stick to something for a month straight, especially when you have so much going on. I know I have self-discipline. But I also know for a fact, that I am nothing without my support system. That system includes every single person above and then some. To those I may not have gotten to thank above, know that you are valued and appreciated. Your impact on my journey does not go unnoticed. Gracias. Merci. Grazie Mille. Danke Dir.
谢谢. Thank you.