Today Was Not A Good Day
Have you ever woken up and from the moment you got out of bed, things just I don't know if Mercury is in retrograde or maybe I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed but things just didn't start off well. You think to yourself, "It's still the beginning of the day. Things will get better." * Narrator Voice * Things did not get better.
It all started when I woke up, randomly looked at my ceiling and saw a spider just chilling right above me. That should've been the sign. To add insult to injury, when I (very bravely, I might add) tried to get rid of the offending spider, I managed to lose it. Which means it's now waiting somewhere plotting its revenge and now I can never go back to that room or risk being killed. Am I being dramatic? Maybe. But you try starting off your day with a spider trying to kill you and see how YOU handle it!
It doesn't end there, however. Near-death experience aside, I needed to pull myself together. First on my schedule for the day was a first-round job interview. Being that I am in the midst of a career change, this was the first real opportunity in a while, and I needed it to go well. As I start getting ready for the interview, I realize one side of my face had broken out severely overnight. Any other day this wouldn't be a big deal, but I had an interview! First impressions matter and it was vital that I look my best. Apparently, my face didn't get the memo. No amount of makeup was helping cover up the breakout, and I still had to finish getting dressed. I was starting to secondguess my outfit, but there was no time for that. I had to make due and be on my way.
So yeah, maybe I didn't look perfect, but I could still make up for it by knocking the actual interview out of the park! I tried to psyche myself up. I kept repeating, "I got this. I got this" all the way to the interview. In a bit of positive news, I made it to the meeting with plenty of time to spare (thank the traffic Gods) and had a bit more time to review some preparation notes. Just when I thought the day had turned around, I got an email. Not just any email. It was a response to an application I had put a lot of time into for a position I was perfect for. Thinking it was an invitation for the next step, I opened it (in hindsight, probably not the best idea). My application wasn't being moved forward. Before I could even reflect on the rejection, I was called in for my interview.
I'll spare you the awkward details. Suffice to say, there's a very high chance I will not be getting that job. By the time I got back to my apartment, I felt so defeated. Everything went wrong.
Today wasn't a good day. Things didn't go well. It is what it is. Here's the thing, bad days are inevitable. The worst thing I could do is let this lousy day erase all the previous good ones. I may not have gotten that job, but I still had a few prospects. I may not have done that well in the interview, but there would be others. A bad day does not mean a bad life. It's essential always to remember that. So yes, today was not a good day. Hopefully, tomorrow will be a better one. So here's to tomorrow.