Be Happy: My Ways To Stay Positive On The Job Hunt
If you've been reading my blog posts, you'll find that I have frequently talked about making a career transition and use the blog as a way to document the process. As with anything, it hasn't been easy. That was to be expected. However, just because something is expected, doesn't mean that makes it any easier to deal with. I am currently in the "actively applying and interviewing" stage. I'll be honest, I underestimated how difficult this stage was going to be. There have been lows, and I know it's still early on in this journey, which means there's the potential for many more low times. Which begs the question, "How do you stay positive on the job hunt?"
The job search is a process that can make even the best of candidates want to tear their hair out. There's trying to find openings, the application, tailored resumes and cover letters, phone screens, more phone screens and that's all before the in-person interview(if you even get that far). When you factor in that you will likely repeat this process a few times before getting that ideal job opportunity; it's exhausting. Going through this journey has made me realize the importance of staying positive. So, below are the ways I stay positive4 through this crazy thing we call the job hunt.
1. Throw My Energy Into Other Projects
Establishing a new career is a priority for me, but it's not the only thing on my to-do list. When I'm feeling restless and waiting to hear back from potential opportunities, I put all that energy into my other pursuits. For example, Pretty Little Coder, which is a community for black women in tech or my writing. Working on my own projects is not only productive, but it keeps me positive because no matter how many ignored applications I may submit, these projects are tangible proof that I am capable.
2. Dance It Out
Elle Woods was on to something when she said, "Exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy!" And what better form of exercise than dance? I know that I've done the work and everything within my power to make progress towards my new career. The rest is not in my control. Therefore, there's no use dwelling on what's no longer in my power, but this is easier said than done. So, to replace that stressed out energy, I put on my favorite playlist and just dance (not well, I might add). By the time the playlist is finished, I've gotten my exercise in for the day, AND I'm instantly in a better mood.
3. When All Else Fails, Pray
Doing the work is really important. You can't expect to get anywhere without putting the effort in. But the reality is, sometimes your best isn't enough. For me, when I have those kinds of thoughts settle in, I pray. My faith is what gets me through the difficult moments. What I appreciate most about prayer is that it is a quiet thing and can be done anywhere. It is a way to give over all my worries and purge them from my mind. When I pray, I'm at peace. When dealing with the uncertainty that comes with the job hunt, peace is difficult to come by. Which makes prayer even more valuable.
My mom always reminds me that nothing worth having in life comes easy. This is something I still keep in the back of my mind as I go through this career transition. However, it's easy to get discouraged. That's why it is so important to have different ways to stay upbeat while going through this journey. So here's to thinking happy thoughts!